Hi there, welcome to my blog! So glad to have you here :-) This blog is an addition to my YouTube channel. Make sure to check it out (and subscribe)!
I want to discuss several things here, such as:
• Fitness
• Psychology
• Lifestyle
• Productivity
• Money
• Self improvement
• Nutrition
• Stories and more...
The reason that the content is so varied, is that I want to share with you what I experience or have experienced in my life. I want to share with you what helped/helps me along my journey. Life is such a roller coaster! There is so much to learn and to do, that I find it awesome to document it. By doing so, I learn as well and might even help someone in the process. I also see it as leaving some kind of legacy. Later when my kids are older or when I am not on this planet anymore, I have left something behind besides some memories. Memories can be forgotten, but things which are recorded and written down, will stick around. On my YouTube channel I have the visual part, and on this blog I have the written down part.
I will make also sure that you are able to comment on the blog posts I write, so this blog is accessible to everyone. It would be awesome to create a community from which we can learn from each other and inspire one another. We are all on this planet together, why not help each other? Unfortunately, there is already enough misery in the world, but not here. I want this blog to be a peaceful and motivating platform, so that's what I'm going for. My name is Wesley and welcome to Maximise Your Life!
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