I got a request from someone on how to deal with mentally challenging times, and I am dealing with those times myself. Even at this very moment, so this is actually the perfect time that I share with you what helps me along my journey.
The best way, for me, is journaling. At the moment I am journaling daily, and it helps me so unbelievably much. It helps me to understand myself better, to stay calm, to learn a lot about life, and it helps me to grow as a person. I note there the fun stuff, but also the tough stuff and when I start writing about it, I not only get a clearer picture of what happened, but also a very deep understanding of why I took the actions I have taken. In the process of writing down my thoughts, I'm also kind of forced to ask myself certain questions. These are not always easy questions. Often times these are very difficult questions which forces me to dive deep into my soul, but formulating an answer to those questions is what helps me so well! The outcome of this is not always what I hoped for, but the most important thing here is to be honest to myself. As long as that’s happening, it’s all good. The last thing you want is to fool yourself by telling yourself lies because that will never help you or anyone else any further.
A question you may have, is how do I journal? Well, I have an application called Daybook. I like to record things digitally, so I like to use an application for this. I can quickly find my entries this way and that helps me to re-analyze certain situations when needed.
In addition to journaling, I also do something else that is linked to it. I made a “life handbook” and this may sound crazy, but I love it. In my life handbook I write my findings that I discover through journaling. That way I take getting to know myself to another level. For example, in this handbook I write down things that I find important, like, don't like and the reason why. Some feelings I have and why I feel them. I also write these things down in my journal, but in my handbook it is listed by category. So when I experience mental challenges, I can quickly find out what I can do best tailored to the way I am and if it’s something what I haven’t noted yet, then I will note it for a future occurrence.
I am someone who thinks a lot and therefore makes life more complex than perhaps necessary, but for such people I really think this is an ideal solution to get the most out of life in the psychological field. Life is so versatile and so much is coming our way nowadays that it is difficult to process it all mentally. We are all beings with unique mindsets, and about many things we don't even WANT to talk to others. Keeping a journal, and in my case a life handbook, is extremely helpful to get your mind straight.
Another thing which helps me big time, is regular exercise and getting my vitamins. I’m not going to talk any scientific stuff here, but I am just speaking for myself. When I feel fit and healthy, life just seems easier to handle. I just feel better in general with more energy. So a healthy lifestyle combined with journaling is doing the trick for me at the moment.
I hope this helps. Don’t forget to like the video below and subscribe to my channel if you already haven’t. If you have any questions or requests, let me know in the comment section.
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