Why Making Conclusions PREVENTS Growth

One of the hardest but also one of the most important things in life is not to make any conclusions. There have been so many moments in my life where I thought I had it all figured it out, but I keep discovering new things, new insights, new perceptions. I keep broadening my horizons and therefore I want to share with you the importance of not making any conclusions. To not think we have it all figured out and to remain open. Life has so much to offer us, and it's a non-stop learning process. 

"THIS IS IT!" Or Maybe Not?

We have all gone through different phases in our lives where in one phase we might have experienced a lot of good times, and in another phase we might have been experiencing a lot of challenges. We learn through both and should not assume that there's nothing more to discover. Whenever we make a conclusion, what we're essentially saying is "THIS IS IT!" and that's the point where growth stops because it prevents us from looking further. That's also regarding our beliefs. We often believe that whatever our beliefs are that "that's it". To me, that equals limiting ourselves. For the people who are familiar with this channel: you know exactly my story with limited beliefs. For those who don't, I'll leave a link down in the description to 3 episodes I published about this subject. Anyways, the message in this video is to stop making conclusions, or at least try to. 

Come To An Understanding

I think it is better to say that you have come to a certain understanding, instead of to a conclusion. An understanding is endlessly expendable, but a conclusion is limited. The fact that we may not see beyond a certain point does not mean that there's nothing more to see.

Imagine yourself that you're on an island, walking on the beach. You're looking over the sea, but you can't see past the horizon. Does this mean that there's nothing more to discover? That it all stops there? You know the answer... This analogy you can apply to this matter. 


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