The 1 Problem Solving Skill You'll EVER Need

Thomas Edison didn't think how he could make a candle burn longer! He just asked if there's another way to create light. Perspective is everything, ladies and gentlemen! Problems are not difficult to find. However, solutions can be very challenging to find (for some)! 

Let me tell you something: the world's biggest problems are solved by people who look at things differently. Every single one of them have 2 things in common: 

1. They look at things differently 

2. They are asking the "right" questions! 

Asking the right questions is the art of problem-solving. This is seriously the 1 problem-solving skill you'll ever need! But you know what the "problem" is? Many of us are in a wrong state of mind when solving problems. We are unable to solve problems when we are having the same mindset which created them in the first place. Often times I am talking about shifting your focus, and this also applies to solving problems. You can fix your problems by asking the right questions. It is truly life-changing, my dear readers.

"Garbage in, garbage out"

I work in IT, and with computers there's a saying which says "Garbage in, garbage out". Because if you put the wrong information in, you'll pull the wrong information out, it's as simple as that. This also works when we're dealing with our everyday problems. If you are not asking the right questions, you'll be likely to get answers you weren't hoping for. Wrong input results in a wrong output. That's why questioning can be seen as an art. There's a quote that goes “Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.” - Voltaire. That's exactly what separates the champs from the chumps.

It's all about ONE thing

So, back to the art of questioning - How does this art work? Or at least, how do I think this art works? 1 word: “perspective”, which I mentioned earlier - perspective is EVERYTHING. Gary Zukav, an American spiritual teacher and author once said “What is behind your eyes, holds more power than what is in front of them”. This is so powerful! Perspective can either make your problems look bigger, or your possibilities look infinite. Asking “What is going wrong in my life?” or “What is going great in my life?” will trigger complete different emotions and thoughts. It can attract more problems into your life, or more possibilities. Remember: smart people give the right answers, but wise people ask the right questions. Another thing I'd like you to remember is to subscribe to my YouTube channel, so you don't miss out on anything! Share this blog post with anyone who could possibly benefit from it and I see you in the next one!


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